Program Details
Same Day Swimmer is BACK!! This program will run from September 16, 2024 through December 22nd, 2024 and caters to students looking to fast track their progress. Registration in this program allow swimmers access to any open class on any given day, for same day booking only.
This is only offered for a three month segment so we recommend you take advantage of this special offer now.
By registering for “Same Day Swimmer”, our Admin Staff will work with you to get your swimmer in any open lesson that we have available on that same day!
Simply put, once registered, your swimmer can do a daily drop-in class for no additional charge.
Register for Same Day Swimmer at Aliso Viejo
The Fine Print
** The Aliso Viejo location will end December 16th, 2024, while the other locations will end December 22nd, 2024**